

With any functions transferred to the Minister by this Order there are hereby also transferred to him all property, rights and liabilities to which the Secretary of State for Education and Science is entitled or subject in connection with those functions at the coming into force of this Order.


Any legal proceedings to which the Secretary of State for Education and Science is a party at the coming into force of this Order may, if they relate to functions, property, rights or liabilities transferred by this Order to the Minister, be continued by or against the Minister.


This Order shall not affect the validity of anything done (or having effect as if done) by or in relation to the Secretary of State for Education and Science before the coming into force of this Order; and anything which, at the coming into force of this Order, is in the process of being done by or in relation to the Secretary of State for Education and Science may, if it relates to functions, property, rights or liabilities transferred by this Order to the Minister, be continued by or in relation to the Minister.


Any approval, consent, direction, or appointment given or made, or other thing whatever done, by the Secretary of State for Education and Science in the exercise of any functions transferred by this Order (or having effect as if so given, made or done) shall, if in force at the coming into force of this Order, continue in force and have effect as if similarly given, made or done by the Minister.