1.  –

(1) Parts IIand III of these Regulations shall apply to the female holder of the office of Lord Chancellor as they apply to the female holder of a 15-year office,and subject to the modifications in this paragraph.

(2) For the purposes of regulation 8(3),and of sub-paragraph (3) below, appointment as Lord Chancellor for a second or subsequent term shall be treated as a first appointment.

(3) A Lord Chancellor may, whether or not she has back service, elect to make additional payments under regulation 9(2) by notice in writing given to the responsible authority not later than six months after her first appointment.

(4) An election under regulation 9(2) shall, if it has not been revoked under regulation 9(4), cease to have effect when the office-holder has made (or is to be treated by virtue of regulation 9(5) as having made) periodical payments at the standard rate for the full period.

(5) For the purpose of arriving at the amount of the reduction referred to in regulation 11(4), regulation 11(5) shall have effect as if, for the words “last annual salary” there were substituted the words “lump sum determined in accordance with regulation 7(1)”.