
Requirements relating to grants

8.—(1) The following shall be requirements when any grant under these Regulations has been paid:—

(a)the governing body shall not dispose of any land or buildings provided, improved or maintained with the aid of grant without the prior approval of the Secretary of State;

(b)the governing body shall regularly review its holdings of land and buildings and (subject to paragraph (a) above and regulation 9(1)(b)) shall dispose of those which it considers are no longer needed;

(c)the governing body shall, at the request of the Secretary of State, repay to him so much of any grant as has not been used for the purposes for which it was given.

(2) It shall be an additional requirement when any grant under these Regulations has been paid to a college of education that the governing body shall (subject to regulation 9(1)(b)) dispose of any land or buildings which the Secretary of State, on being satisfied that they are no longer needed, directs it to dispose of.