
Outlays allowable to solicitors

8.—(1) A solicitor shall be allowed the following outlays—

(a)expenses actually and reasonably incurred by himself or his clerk in travelling to and from the court at which the accused person appears or the trial or appeal takes place (not being a court in the town or place where the solicitor has a place of business) and to and from the prison and any place visited for the purpose of preparing or conducting the defence or appeal: Provided that where public transport is not used a reasonable mileage allowance shall be treated as an outlay;

(b)fees paid to witnesses who are not on the Crown list, which fees shall not exceed the sums payable from time to time by the Crown to witnesses of the same categories; and

(c)any out of pocket expenses actually and reasonably incurred, provided that without prejudice to any other claims for outlays there shall not be allowed to a solicitor outlays representing posts and incidents.

(2) Where a witness is a professional person giving evidence of fact or expert evidence and value added tax is chargeable in respect of giving that evidence, and the witness adds an amount equal to the tax chargeable to his note of fee, the amount so added may be allowed to the solicitor as an outlay.