


PART Irate where scheme member retires at or above the retiring age

1.  Subject to paragraph 2 below, the rate of pension of a scheme member who retires at or above the retiring age after having performed a qualifying period of pensionable service of 37 years or more of whole-time service shall be at the rate specified in the following table in relation to the last office held by the scheme member within the area to which these regulations apply—

Archbishops of Canterbury and York11,340
Bishop of London10,206
Other diocesan bishops8,505
Suffragan bishops, deans, provosts and archdeacons7,088
Other scheme members5,670

2.  Where a scheme member has at any time held within the area to which these regulations apply an office in relation to which the rate of pension specified in paragraph 1 above is at a higher rate than that specified in relation to the last office held by him within that area, the scheme member shall be paid a pension at that higher rate.

3.  Where the qualifying period of pensionable service performed by a scheme member is less than 37 years, the rate of pension in respect of the whole-time service shall be calculated by adding together for each complete year of pensionable whole-time service 1/37th of the pension to which he would have been entitled under the preceding provisions of this Schedule if he had performed 37 years' whole-time pensionable service; and where the whole-time pensionable service comprises a broken part of a year the rate shall be increased by adding, in respect of each complete month in the broken part, 1/12th of the amount payable in respect of a complete year.

4.  Where the qualifying period of pensionable service performed by a scheme member consists of or includes part-time service performed after 1st January 1987, such proportion of the rate of pension which would have been payable if that service had been whole-time as the Board may determine, in accordance with general directions of the Commissioners, shall be payable in respect of that service; except that in calculating the length of the qualifying period of pensionable service no account shall be taken of any year or part of a year in which the amount received by the scheme member in respect of stipendiary ecclesiastical service is less than such amount as the Board, with the concurrence of the Commissioners, may from time to time determine.

PART IIrate in cases of infirmity

5.  The rate of pension of a scheme member who retires before attaining the retiring age on the ground that he has become incapable through infirmity of performing the duties of his office shall be the rate of pension to which he would have been entitled if he had continued to perform until the retiring age pensionable service of the kind he was performing immediately before retirement and had then retired.

6.  The rate of pension of a scheme member who ceases to perform pensionable service before attaining the retiring age without receiving a pension in respect of that service, and who subsequently before attaining that age satisfies the Board that he has become incapable through infirmity of performing pensionable service, shall be the rate of pension to which he would have been entitled if he had attained the retiring age on the date on which he ceased to perform pensionable service.

PART IIIrate where scheme member retires not more than five years before reaching retiring age otherwise than by reason of infirmity

7.  The rate of pension of a scheme member who, otherwise than by reason of infirmity, retires before attaining the retiring age but not more than five years before he would have attained that age shall be calculated by—

(a)ascertaining the rate of pension to which he would have been entitled under Part I of this Schedule if he had attained the retiring age on the date on which his pension begins to be payable, and

(b)deducting therefrom such amount as the Board, after obtaining the advice of an actuary, may with the concurrence of the Commissoners determine.



ChapterShort titleExtent of repeal
1961 No. 3.The Clergy Pensions Measure 1961.

Parts I and II.

Sections 35 to 37.

Sections 41 to 43.

Section 45.

In section 46, in subsection (1) the definitions of “bishop”, “bishopric”, “Episcopal Pensions Measures” and “suffragan bishop”.

Schedules 1 and 3.

1972 No. 5.The Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1972.

Sections 2 and 3.

In section 5, subsections (1) and (2).

1988 No. 4.The Church of England (Pensions) Measure 1988.

Sections 1 to 4.

Section 6.

Section 15.

Schedule 1.

In Schedule 2, paragraphs 2 to 6, 15, 18, 19, 20(a) and (c), 21 and 25 to 33.


ChapterShort titleExtent of repeal
1975 No. 136.The Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 1975.The whole instrument.
1977 No. 1146.The Clergy Occupational Pensions Scheme Regulations 1977.The whole instrument.
1985 No. 2081.The Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 1985.The whole instrument.