The St. Helena Constitution Order 1988

Assent to Bills.

36.—(1) A Bill shall not become a law until–

(a)the Governor has assented to it in Her Majesty’s name and on Her Majesty’s behalf and has signed it in token of his assent; or

(b)Her Majesty has given Her assent to it through a Secretary of State and the Governor has signified Her assent by proclamation published in the Gazette.

(2) When a Bill is presented to the Governor for his assent, he shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and of any Instructions addressed to him under Her Majesty’s Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secretary of State, declare that he assents, or refuses to assent, to it, or that he reserves the Bill for the signification of Her Majesty’s pleasure:

Provided that the Governor shall reserve for the signification of Her Majesty’s pleasure–

(a)any Bill which appears to him to be in any way repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the provisions of this Constitution; and

(b)any Bill which determines or regulates the privileges, immunities or powers of the Legislative Council or of its members,

unless he has been authorised by a Secretary of State to assent to it.