Harbour master’s powers

14.—(1) Section 52 of the Act of 1847 as incorporated with this Order, in its application to the harbour master—

(a)shall extend to empower the harbour master to give directions prohibiting the mooring of vessels in any particular part or parts of the Port.

(b)shall not be construed so as to require the harbour master in an emergency to give particular directions in the case of every vessel in respect of which it is desired to exercise any of the powers of that section; but in pursuance of the section for all or any of the purposes thereof the harbour master shall be entitled in emergency to give general directions applicable to all vessels or to particular classes of vessels.

(2) Section 53 of the Act of 1847, in its application to the Commissioners and to the harbour master, shall not be construed so as to require the harbour master to serve a notice in writing of his direction upon the master of a vessel and such directions may be given orally or otherwise communicated to the master on any occasion when it is not reasonably practicable for a written notice to be served on the master.