

This order makes provision for transitional arrangements consequential on the Local Government Act 1985 (“the Act”), which abolishes the Greater London Council and the metropolitan county councils on 1st April 1986.

Article 2 allows successor authorities which will on that date inherit functions of granting licences and similar permissions (other than under the Town and Country Planning Act 1971) to take steps before that date to enable such permissions to come into force on or after that date, and entitles them to be supplied with copies of relevant documents.

Article 3 makes provision in place of that made by section 98 of the Act for the continuity of exercise of functions in relation to historic buildings, conservation areas, ancient monuments and related matters; and town development.

Article 4 makes transitional provision in relation to the procedure established by Schedule 2 to the Act for dealing on and after 1st April 1986 with applications for listed building consent in Greater London.

Article 5 makes provision for raising in the financial year 1986/7 the financial limit imposed on highway work which may be undertaken by the direct labour organisation of a metropolitan district council without competitive tendering, consequential on such councils becoming highway authorities for their areas by virtue of section 8 of and Schedule 4 to the Act.

Article 6 preserves the continuity of employment of valuation panel staff where a new panel is constituted in pursuance of section 14 of the Act.

Article 7 enables the filling by the councils of non-metropolitan districts comprised in the Peak District National Park of the vacancy created by the termination on 1st April 1986 by paragraph 5(4) of Schedule 3 to the Act, of the appointment to the Peak Park Joint Planning Board made by Sheffield Metropolitan District Council.