Right of appeal from decision of Secretary of State42


Every person who is aggrieved by any decision of the Secretary of State with respect to a compensation question or by any failure on the part of the Secretary of State to notify him of any such decision within the appropriate time prescribed by these regulations, may within 13 weeks of the notification to him of the decision or the expiry of the prescribed time, as the case may be, institute proceedings for the determination of the question by a tribunal in accordance with—


in England and Wales, the Industrial Tribunals (Labour Relations) Regulations 19747; or


in Scotland, the Industrial Tribunal (Labour Relations) (Scotland) Regulations 19748

and these regulations; and the tribunal shall determine the question accordingly.


For the purpose of any proceedings instituted in pursuance of this regulation, a person or persons may be appointed to sit with the tribunal as assessor or assessors.


The Secretary of State shall give effect to the decision of a tribunal subject to any modifications that may be required in consequence of any appeal from that decision on a point of law.