Social services27


This regulation shall apply where an area is transferred from the area of one local authority for the purposes of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970 to the area of another such authority and in this regulation “the transferred area” means the area so transferred and—

  • the transferor authority” means the authority for the purposes aforesaid from whose area the area is transferred; and

  • the transferee authority” means the authority for the purposes aforesaid to whose area the area is transferred.

In the application of this paragraph to a county, district or London borough regulation 3(4) shall apply.


The transferee authority shall be authorised to continue to provide in the transferred area any services, accommodation and facilities which the transferor authority were required or authorised to provide in such area immediately before the appointed day under the enactments specified in the first column of Schedule 1 to the said Act and the other enactments conferring functions designated under section 2(2) of that Act as being appropriate for discharge by a local authority's social services committee.


Where any person is immediately before the appointed day deemed under section 24(5), 24(6) or 29(7) of the National Assistance Act 1948 to continue to be ordinarily resident in the area of the transferor authority by reason of having been ordinarily resident in the transferred area immediately before entering residential accommodation, becoming a patient in hospital, or being accepted for work, as the case may be, that person shall be deemed on and after the appointed day to be ordinarily resident in the area of the transferee authority.