The Stratified Ironstone, Shale and Fireclay Mines (Explosives) Regulations 1956

Firing shots

26.—(1) No shot firer or person appointed to fire shots by fuse (as the case may be) shall fire any shot unless (except in the case of a shot being fired by him in accordance with the provisions of a scheme described in the proviso to the next following paragraph and for the time being in force) he has satisfied himself by taking all reasonable precautions that it is in a shot hole so placed and drilled as to be safe for the firing of a shot and is charged and stemmed in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.

(2) Subject to the provisions of the last preceding paragraph, each shot firer or person appointed to fire shots by fuse (as the case may be) shall unless prevented by circumstances beyond his control fire every shot which has been charged by him or (in the case of a shot firer) under his supervision:

Provided that in any case in which there is for the time being in force in the mine a scheme made by the manager and approved by an inspector specifying a procedure whereby any shot may be fired by a shot firer or person appointed to fire shots by fuse (as the case may be) who did not charge that shot or (in the case of a shot firer) supervise the charging thereof, shots may be fired in accordance with the provisions of that scheme.

(3) The manager of every mine at which there is for the time being in force a scheme described in the proviso to the last preceding paragraph shall ensure that a copy thereof is provided in the covered accommodation provided in pursuance of section one hundred and thirty-five of the Act and that a copy thereof is supplied to each shot firer and person appointed to fire shots by fuse employed at the mine.

27.  The manager shall make and secure the efficient carrying out of arrangements to ensure that a daily record is kept, in a book provided by the owner of the mine, either—

(a)by the deputy in charge of every district, in respect of the number of shots fired, and the quantity of explosives and number of detonators (if any) used, in that district on each shift of his; or

(b)by each shot firer and each person appointed to fire shots by fuse, in respect of the number of shots fired, and the quantity of explosives and numbers of detonators (if any) used, by him on each shift of his.