

Reckoning of Previous Service

15.—(1) This Article applies to a Scottish contributory employee or a Scottish local Act contributor who ceases to be such an employee or contributor but within twelve months after so ceasing becomes an English contributory employee or an English local Act contributor.

(2) If a person to whom this article applies was a Scottish contributory employee and is an English contributory employee he shall be entitled to reckon as contributing service and non-contributing service respectively under the English Act all service which in relation to his Scottish employment he was entitled so to reckon under the Scottish Act immediately before he ceased to hold that employment.

(3) If a person to whom this article applies was a Scottish local Act contributor and is an English contributory employee he shall, in respect of the reckoning of previous service, enjoy rights and be subject to liabilities similar to those respectively conferred and imposed in relation to an English local Act contributor who becomes an English contributory employee by any regulations made under Section 13 (1) (b) of the English Act and for the time being in force, and those regulations shall apply accordingly with the necessary modifications.

(4) If a person to whom this article applies was a Scottish contributory employee or a Scottish local Act contributor and is an English local Act contributor he shall, in respect of the reckoning of previous service, enjoy rights and be subject to liabilities similar to those respectively conferred and imposed, in relation to an English contributory employee or an English local Act contributor under an English local authority who ceases to be such and becomes an English local Act contributor under the English local Act authority whose employment the person has entered, by the scheme made by that English local Act authority under Section 26 of the English Act and for the time being in force, and that scheme shall apply accordingly, with the necessary modifications.

(5) This article shall not apply so as to enable a person to reckon any period of service as contributing service or service for the purposes of a local Act scheme unless within three months of entering upon his new employment he informs the English local authority whose employment he has entered that he has previously served in the employment of a Scottish local authority, and unless on becoming a contributory employee or a local Act contributor he pays to the authority maintaining the superannuation fund relating to the employment in respect of which he is such employee or contributor an amount equal to any sum which, on his ceasing to hold his employment under the Scottish local authority, was paid to him by way of a return, whether with or without interest, of such contributions to or additional contributory payment into a superannuation fund as are mentioned in subsection (5) of Section 10 of the Scottish Act or of moneys which pursuant to any regulations for the time being in force under that Act were treated as such contributions as aforesaid.