Regulations under Proviso (ii) to Section 8 (2) (b) of the English Act

12.—(1) Where an English contributory employee who is in course of paying a sum by instalments under the regulations made under proviso (ii) to Section 8 (2) (b) of the English Act ceases to hold his employment and becomes a Scottish contributory employee in such circumstances that if the employment he holds were an English employment the provisions of paragraph 3 (d) of Article 4 of those Regulations would become applicable in relation to him, the corresponding provisions of the Regulations made under proviso (ii) to Section 8 (2) (b) of the Scottish Act and for the time being in force shall apply in relation to him and to the Scottish employing authority as if he had previously been a Scottish contributory employee paying a sum by instalments under those Regulations.

(2) Where an English contributory employee who is in course of paying such a sum by instalments as is mentioned in the preceding paragraph ceases to hold his employment and becomes a Scottish local Act contributor, the provisions of the scheme made under Section 22 of the Scottish Act by the Scottish local Act authority whose employment he has entered and for the time being in force relating to the reckoning of previous service by reference to the aggregate amount paid on account of a sum payable by instalments under Regulations made under proviso (ii) to Section 8 (2) (b) of the Scottish Act by a person who having been a Scottish contributory employee has become subject to the local Act scheme administered by that Scottish local Act authority shall apply as if the scheme contained a similar provision in relation to such English contributory employee as aforesaid in terms applicable to the Regulations made under proviso (ii) to Section 8 (2) (b) of the English Act.