XXXVThe Provisions as to Trespassers not to apply to Persons hunting, &c.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That the aforesaid Provisions against Trespassers and Persons found on any Land shall not extend to any Person hunting or coursing upon any Lands with Hounds or Greyhounds, and being in fresh Pursuit of any Deer, Hare, or For already started upon any other Land, nor to any Person bondjide claiming and exercising any Right or reputed Right of Free Warren or Free Chase, nor to any Gamekeeper lawfully appointed within the Limits of any Free Warren or Free Chase, nor to any Lord or any Steward of the Crown of any Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, or reputed Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, nor to any Gamekeeper lawfully appointed by such Lord or Steward within the Limits of such Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, or reputed Manor, Lordship, or Royalty.