
PART IXWreck and Salvage.

Procedure in Salvage.

548Determination of disputes as to salvage summarily.

(1)Disputes as to salvage which are to be determined summarily in manner provided by this Act shall—

(a)where the dispute relates to the salvage of wreck be referred to a court or arbitrators having jurisdiction at or near the place where the wreck is found :

(b)where the dispute relates to salvage in the case of services rendered to any vessel or to the cargo or apparel thereof or in saving life therefrom be referred to a court or arbitrators having jurisdiction at or near the place where the vessel is lying, or at or near the port in the United Kingdom into which the vessel is first brought after the occurrence by reason whereof the claim of salvage arises.

(2)Any court or arbitrators to whom a dispute as to salvage is referred for summary determination may, for the purpose of determining any such dispute, call in to their assistance any person Conversant with maritime affairs as assessor, and there shall be paid as part of the costs of the proceedings to every such assessor in respect of his services such sum not exceeding five pounds as the Board of Trade may direct.