Merchant Shipping Act 1894

515Liability for damage in case of a vessel plundered.

Where a vessel is wrecked, stranded, or in distress as aforesaid, and the vessel or any part of the cargo and apparel thereof, is plundered, damaged, or destroyed by any persons riotously and tumultuously assembled together, whether on shore or afloat, compensation shall be made to the owner of the vessel, cargo, or apparel :

  • In England in the same manner, by the same authority, and out of the same rate as if the plundering, damage, injury, or destruction were an injury, stealing, or destruction in respect of which compensation is payable under the provisions of the [49 & 50 Vict. c. 38.] Riot (Damages) Act, 1886, and in the case of the vessel, cargo, or apparel not being in any police district, as if the plundering, damage, injury, or destruction took place in the nearest police district;

  • In Scotland by the inhabitants of the county, city, or borough in or nearest to which such offence is committed, in manner provided by the [1 Geo. 1. st. 2. c. 5.] Riot Act, with respect to prosecutions for repairing the damages of any churches and other buildings, or as near thereto as circumstances permit, and

  • In Ireland in manner provided by the [16 & 17 V c. 38.] Act of the Session held in the sixteenth and seventeenth year of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter thirty-eight, intituled ' An Act to " extend the remedies for the compensation of malicious " injuries to property in Ireland " with respect to damage to any dwelling-house or other property therein mentioned.