Stamp Act 1891

Articles of Clerkship

26Articles in Scotland not to be charged with more than one duty of 60l

(1)Where the same articles are a qualification for the admission of any person as a law agent to practise before the Court of Session, and also as a law agent to practise before a sheriff court in Scotland, the articles are not to be charged with any further duty than sixty pounds.

(2)Where any person has become bound by duly stamped articles in order to his admission as a law agent to practise before a sheriff court in Scotland, the articles shall, on payment of such further amount of duty as, together with the amount previously paid thereon, will make up the sum of sixty pounds, be impressed with a stamp denoting the payment of the further duty, and shall thereupon be considered to be sufficiently stamped for entitling the person to admission as a law agent to practise before the Court of Session.

27Terms upon which articles may be stamped after execution

Save as herein-before provided, articles of clerkship are not to be stamped at any time after the date thereof, except upon payment of penalties, as follows:

(a)If brought to be stamped within one year after date, ten pounds:

(b)If so brought after one year, and within five years after date,—

For every complete year, and also for any additional part of a year elapsed since the date, ten pounds:

(c)In every other case, fifty pounds.

28Distinct account to be kept of 14l payable to King's Inns

The sum of fourteen pounds, part of the duty payable on articles of clerkship in Ireland, shall be carried to a separate account, and paid over by the Commissioners to the treasurer of the Society of King's Inns in Dublin, to be" applied by him according to the directions of the said society.