


PART IPreparation and Revision of Parish Burgess Lists in Boroughs not Parliamentary.

1On or before each first of September, the overseers of each parish shall make, sign, and deliver to the town clerk a list, called the parish burgess list, of all persons entitled to be enrolled in the burgess roll for the year in respect of property in that parish.

2The overseers shall keep a printed copy of the parish burgess list made by them open to public inspection on the first fifteen days of September.

3The town clerk shall cause a printed copy of all the parish burgess lists to be fixed on the town hall, and to be kept so fixed during the last seven of those fifteen days.

4Every person whose name is not in a parish burgess list, and who claims to have it inserted therein (in this Act referred to as a claimant), shall, on or before the fifteenth of September, give notice in writing of his claim to the town clerk.

5Every person whose name is in a parish burgess list may object to any other person as not being entitled to have his name retained in that or any other parish burgess list.

6Every person so objecting (in this Act referred to as an objector) shall on or before the fifteenth of September, give to the town clerk, and also give to the person objected to, or leave at or on the property for which he appears in the parish burgess list to be rated, notice in writing of the objection.

7The town clerk shall make two separate lists of the claimants and the persons objected to (in this Act referred to as respondents), and shall cause printed copies thereof to be fixed on the town hall, and to be kept So fixed during the last seven days of September.

8He shall also keep a printed copy of each of these lists, open to public inspection on any day during the same seven days.

9The mayor and the two revising assessors shall in each year revise the parish burgess lists.

10They shall for this purpose hold an open court in the borough on some or one of the first fifteen days of October.

11They shall give three clear days notice of the holding of the court, by notice fixed on the town hall.

12The town clerk shall at the opening of the court produce the parish burgess lists, and a copy of the lists of claimants and respondents.

13The court shall insert in the parish burgess lists the name of every, person who has duly claimed to have his name inserted therein, and is. proved to the satisfaction of the court to be so entitled.

14The court shall expunge from the parish burgess lists the name of every person proved to the court to be dead.

15Subject as aforesaid, the court shall retain in the parish burgess lists the name of every person to whom objection has not been duly made.

16The court shall also retain therein the name of every respondent, unless the objector appears by himself, or by some person on his behalf, in support of the objection.

17Where the objector so appears, the court shall require proof of the respondent's qualification, and, if it is not proved to the satisfaction of the court, shall expunge his name from the parish burgess list.

18If the name of any person is entered in respect of property situate in more than one ward, the court may call upon him to choose, and if he does not choose, may determine in which of those wards he shall be entitled to vote.

19The court shall correct any mistake and supply any omission proved to the court to have been made in any of the lists with respect to the name or abode of any person, or the description of any property.

20The overseers, vestry clerks, and collectors of poor rates of every parish shall attend the court.

21The court may require any overseer or person having the custody of any book containing any poor rate made in any year in any parish to produce the same at the court for inspection.

22The court may examine on oath the town clerk, overseers, vestry clerks, and collectors, and any claimant, objector, respondent, or witness.

23The court shall, on the hearing in open court, determine on the validity of all claims and objections.

24The mayor shall, in open court, write his initials against each name inserted or expunged, and against any part of the lists in which a mistake has been corrected or omission supplied, and shall sign his name to every page of the lists so revised.

25The mayor may adjourn the court from time to time, so that no adjourned court be held after the fifteenth of October.