Cinque Forts.

248Special provisions as to certain of the Cinque Ports.


The boroughs of Hastings, Sandwich, Dover, Hythe, being four of the Cinque Ports, and the borough of Rye, are in this section referred to as the five boroughs.


The jurisdiction, powers, and authorities of the court of quarter sessions, recorder, coroner, and clerk of the peace for each of the five boroughs shall extend to the non-corporate members and liberties thereof, and to such corporate members thereof as have not a separate court of quarter sessions.


The jurisdiction, powders, and authorities of the persons constituted justices within and throughout the liberties of the Cinque Ports by virtue of their commission, shall extend to all places being within the limits of the five boroughs or of their members or liberties, corporate or non-corporate, and not being within the limits of a borough having a separate commission of the peace.


The justices for the five boroughs respectively shall have all the jurisdiction, powers, and authorities of justices for a county relating to the granting of licences or authorities to persons to keep inns, ale-houses, or victualling houses, or to sell exciseable liquors by retail within any of the corporate or non-corporate members or liberties of the five boroughs respectively, not being within the limits of a borough having a separate commission of the peace.


The non-corporate members and liberties of the five boroughs and such corporate members thereof as have not a separate court of quarter sessions shall be charged by the respective courts of quarter sessions of the five boroughs, with a due proportion of all those expenses of the five boroughs, to the payment whereof rates in the nature of county rates are applicable; and such rates may be assessed and levied in the manner in which rates of that description were assessed and levied before the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1835, under any enactment then in force, but subject to the operation of any subsequent enactment affecting the same.


A due proportion of inhabitant householders to serve as grand jurors and jurors at the respective courts of quarter sessions of the five boroughs shall be summoned by the clerks of the peace thereof from the non-corporate members and liberties thereof, and such corporate members thereof as have not a separate court of quarter sessions; and the attendance of such jurors shall be enforced, and their defaults punished, in the manner by this Act directed with respect to jurors in boroughs.


Nothing in this section shall affect the [32 & 33 Vict. c. 53.] Cinque Ports Act, 1869, or the Acts therein recited.