Customs Consolidation Act 1876


As to the interpretation of terms used in this Act.

284Interpretation of terms.

For the purposes of this or any other Act relating to the Customs and in construing the same, the following terms, when not inconsistent with the context or subject-matter, shall have the several meanings, and include the several matters and things hereinafter prescribed and assigned to them ; that is to say,

  • " Attorney General " shall include Solicitor General, Attorney General in the Isle of Man, Procureur, or other chief law officer of the Crown in any of Her Majesty's possessions abroad where there is no Attorney General.

  • " British possession " shall mean and include colony, plantation, island, territory, or settlement belonging to Her Majesty.

  • " Channel Islands " shall mean the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and their respective dependencies,

  • " Commissioners of the Treasury " shall mean the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.

  • " County " shall mean and include any city, county of a city, county of a town, borough, or other magisterial jurisdiction where such construction is not inconsistent with the context.

  • " Customs Acts " shall mean and include this and all or any other Acts or Act relating to the Customs.

  • " Exporter of goods for which no bond is required " shall include and apply to the person subscribing the declaration required at the foot of the specification, forms No. 8 and No. 9, or manifest in lieu thereof, as the case may be.

  • " Drawback " shall include bounty.

  • " Gaoler " shall mean and include any governor or keeper of Her Majesty's prisons.

  • " Her Majesty " shall mean Her Majesty, her heirs and successors.

  • " Importer " shall mean, include, and apply to any owner or other person for the time being possessed of or beneficially interested in any goods at and from the time of the importation thereof until the same are duly delivered out of the charge of the officers of Customs.

  • " Justice " shall mean and include justice of the peace, county court judge, recorder, sheriff depute, governor, deputy-governor, lieutenant-governor, bailiff, chief magistrate, deemster, jurat, and. any other magistrate in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands.

  • " Master " shall mean the person having or taking the charge or command of any ship.

  • " Official import lists and official export lists " shall mean any lists which are now or shall from time to time be issued under the authority of the Commissioners of the Treasury or Customs, prescribing the denominations, descriptions, and quantity by tale, weight, measure, value, or otherwise, by which articles of merchandise shall be required to be entered on their importation into or exportation from the United Kingdom.

  • " Proper officer of Inland Revenue " in the fourth section of the Act of the thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth years of Her Majesty's reign shall mean " proper officer of Customs."

  • " Queen's warehouse " shall mean any place provided by the Crown or approved by the Commissioners of Customs for the deposit of goods for security thereof and of the duties due thereon.

  • " Warehouse " shall mean any place in which goods entered to he warehoused may he lodged, kept, and secured.

285Customs fund available for officers of the United Kingdom, and the Life Assurance Companies Act shall not apply to that fund.

The unrepealed provisions of the Act of the fifty-sixth year of George the Third, chapter seventy-three, shall apply to and he available by and for the benefit of the officers, clerks, and other persons in the department of the Customs in Scotland and Ireland, and their relatives, as fully and amply as if they had been originally mentioned therein, and the Act made applicable to the United Kingdom instead of England only; and the Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870, shall not be deemed to apply to the Customs Annuity and Benevolent Fund.

286Cards imported not to be sold without a wrapper provided by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue.

In construing section one hundred and fourteen of " The Customs Consolidation Act, 1853," relating to cards, saved from repeal in Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, it shall be read as if section twenty-eight of the Act of the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter twenty-two, were therein referred to and had been originally inserted therein instead of the Act therein mentioned and the reference in the thirty-sixth section of the above-mentioned Act to " The Customs Consolidation Act, 1853, " hereby repealed, shall be deemed to apply to the several clauses of that Act relating to cards as saved in the said Schedule and read as hereby directed.

287Reciprocity under treaties, &c.

Sections nine, ten, eleven, and twelve of the Act of the eighth and ninth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter ninety, shall, notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of section seventeen of the Act of the twentieth and twenty-first years of Her Majesty's reign chapter sixty-two, be deemed and considered as subsisting and unrepealed.

As to repeal of existing Acts

288Acts set forth in Schedule (A.) repealed. Orders, &c. under Acts repealed to be valid. Commissions, deputations, bonds, &c, to remain in force. Warrants, orders, and regulations to remain in force. Ports, bonding-places, havens, creeks, &c, to continue.

The several Acts and parts of Acts set forth in Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed are hereby repealed, to the extent to which such Acts or parts of Acts are by such Schedule expressed to be repealed, except as to anything done before the commencement of this Act, and except so far as relates to any arrears of duty or to any drawback which shall have become due or payable, and except so far as may be necessary for the purpose of supporting or continuing any proceeding heretofore taken or to be taken after the commencement of this Act, and except as to the recovery or application of any penalty for any offence which shall have been committed or any forfeiture which shall have been incurred before the commencement of this Act; and all orders made by Her Majesty in Council, all bonds taken or licences granted, and all things done under the authority or in pursuance of any of the Acts hereby repealed, shall nevertheless be valid and effectual; and all commissions, deputations, and appointments granted to any officer of Customs in force at the commencement of this Act shall continue in force as if the same had been granted under the authority of this Act; and all bonds or other securities which shall have been given by or for such officers and their respective sureties for good conduct or otherwise shall remain in force; and all warrants, licences, orders, and regulations made by the Commissioners of the Treasury or the Customs under any Act or Acts relating to the Customs now repealed, shall remain in force until altered, revoked, or rescinded or others made by them in lieu thereof; and all acts done in pursuance of any such orders and regulations shall be and are hereby declared to be valid; and all ports, inland bonding places, havens, creeks, boarding stations, legal quays, sufferance wharves, and warehouses appointed or approved under any of the Acts hereby repealed shall continue until the appointment or approval thereof shall be annulled, varied, or altered by the said Commissioners.

289Act to be registered in Royal Courts of Guernsey and Jersey.

This Act shall be registered in the Royal Courts of the Island of Guernsey and Jersey respectively, and the said Royal Courts respectively shall have full power and authority and are hereby required to register the same.

290Commencement of Act.

This Act shall come into operation on the day of the passing of this Act, and in citing it in other Acts of Parliament and in legal instruments it shall be sufficient to use the expression "The Customs Consolidation Act, 1876."