
Holyhead and Portpatrick

17Transfer of Harbours in Schedule. Powers, &c. under Acts in Schedule and other Acts to be exercised by Board of Trade.

On the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, the Harbours specified in the Schedule to this Act, and all Breakwaters, Piers, Jetties, Quays, Wharves, Lighthouses, Roads, Approaches, Works, and Buildings belonging thereto, and the Ground and Soil thereof, and all Lands and Hereditaments acquired for the Purposes thereof, so far as on that Day such Harbours and Property shall be vested in the Admiralty or in any Commissioner for the Execution of any Act for any Estate or Interest, but not further or otherwise, shall be transferred to and vested in the Board of Trade in trust for Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, for the Public Service; and on and after the same Day the Enactments mentioned in the said Schedule, and every other Enactment relating to or affecting the same Harbours shall be read and construed as if the Board of Trade were therein named instead of the Admiralty or instead of any such Commissioner, as the Case may be.