Forgery Act 1861

14Making or having Mould for making Paper with the Words " Bank of England," or "Bank of Ireland," or with curved Bar Lines, &c., or selling such Paper.

Whosoever, without lawful Authority or Excuse (the Proof whereof shall lie on the Party accused), shall make or use, or knowingly have in his Custody or Possession, any Frame, Mould, or Instrument for the making of Paper with the Words " Bank of England" or " Bank of Ireland" or any Part of such Words intended to resemble and pass for the same, visible in the Substance of the Paper, or for the making of Paper with curved or waving Bar Lines, or with the laying Wire Lines thereof in a waving or curved Shape, or with any Number, Sum, or Amount expressed in a Word or Words in Roman Letters, visible in the Substance of the Paper, or with any Device or Distinction peculiar to and appearing in the Substance of the Paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of England and Ireland respectively for any Notes, Bills of Exchange, or Bank Post Bills of such Banks respectively, or shall make, use, sell, expose to Sale, utter, or dispose of, or knowingly have in his Custody or Possession, any Paper whatsoever with the Words "Bank of England" or " Bank of Ireland," or any Part of such Words intended to resemble and pass for the same, visible in the Substance of the Paper, or any Paper with curved or waving Bar Lines, or with the laying Wire Lines thereof in a waving or curved Shape, or with any Number, Sum, or Amount expressed in a Word or Words in Roman Letters, appearing visible in the Substance of the Paper, or with any Device or Distinction peculiar to and appearing in the Substance of the Paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of England and Ireland respectively for any Notes, Bills of Exchange, or Batik Post Bills of such Banks respectively, or shall by any Art or Contrivance cause the Words " Bank of England" or " Bank of Ireland," or any Part of such Words intended to resemble and pass for the same, or any Device or Distinction peculiar to and appearing in the Substance of the Paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of England and Ireland respectively for any Notes, Bills of Exchange, or Bank Post Bills of such Banks respectively, to appear visible in the Substance of any Paper, or shall cause the numerical Sum or Amount of any Bank Note, Bank Bill of Exchange, or Bank Post Bill, blank Bank Note, blank Bank Bill of Exchange, or blank Bank Post Bill, in a Word or Words in Roman Letters, to appear visible in the Substance of the Paper whereon the same shall be written or printed, shall be guilty of Felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be kept in Penal Servitude for any Term not exceeding Fourteen Years and not less than Three Years,—or to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour,