Accessories and Abettors Act 1861

As to Accessories before the Fact:

1Accessories before the Fact may be tried and punished as Principals.

Whosoever shall become an Accessory before the Fact to any Felony, whether the same be a Felony at Common Law or by virtue of any Act passed or to be passed, may be indicted, tried, convicted, and punished in all respects as if he were a principal Felon.

2Accessories before the Fact may be indicted as such, or as substantive Felons.

Whosoever shall counsel, procure, or command any other Person to commit any Felony, whether the same be a Felony at Common Law or by virtue of any Act passed or to be passed, shall be guilty of Felony, and may be indicted and convicted either as an Accessory before the Fact to the principal Felony, together with the principal Felon, or after the Conviction of the principal Felon, or may be indicted and convicted of a substantive Felony whether the principal Felon shall or shall not have been previously convicted, or shall or shall not be amenable to Justice, and may thereupon be punished in the same Manner as any Accessory before the Fact to the same Felony, if convicted as an Accessory, may be punished.