Game Licences Act 1860

15 Licences to deal in game under this Act to be granted only to those who have obtained licences from the justices. List of persons licensed to be kept for inspection.U.K.

Provided always, that no licence to deal in game shall be granted under the provisions of this Act to any person, except upon the production of a licence for the like purpose duly granted to him by the justices of the peace as aforesaid, and then in force; and every officer appointed or authorised to grant licences to deal in game under this Act shall in each year make out a list, to be kept in his possession, containing the name and place of abode of every person to whom he shall have granted or issued a licence to deal in game under this Act, and such officer shall at all seasonable hours produce such list to any person making application to inspect the same, and shall be entitled to demand and receive for such inspection the sum of one shilling.