schedules referred to in the foregoing act

SCHEDULE L Execution of Seizure of Books and Papers of Crown Debtor

Upon the day of , at , within the county of , I, J.H.,sheriff clerk of the said county of , by virtue of a warrant to that effect, contained in [specify the extract in which warrant contained and its date], have seized the books and papers belonging to A.,[name and design him], specified in the following


[Follows the inventory.]

the same having, in my requistion to that effect, been voluntarily handed over to me by the said A. [or by K. [name and designation,] having the custody thereof; [or as the case may be].


the same having been found by me in a safe or press in the house of the said A., at , to which I obtained access by breaking open the doors of the said house, and a safe or press therein, because I could not otherwise obtain admittance thereto [or as the case may be].


Sheriff Clerk.