Places of public resort

F436 Penalty on persons keeping places for bear-baiting, cock-fighting, &c.

F4Every person who within the limits of the special Act keeps or uses or acts in the management of any house, room, pit, or other place for the purpose of fighting, baiting, or worrying any animals shall be liable to a penalty of not more than F1level 4 on the standard scale, or, in the discretion of the justices before whom he is convicted, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a time not exceeding one month; and the commissioners may, by order in writing, authorize the superintendent constable, with such constables as he thinks necessary, to enter any premises kept or used for any of the purposes aforesaid, and . . . F2 all persons found therein without lawful excuse, . . . F2 shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding F3level 4 on the standard scale, and a conviction for this offence shall not exempt the owner, keeper, or manager of any such house, room, pit, or place from any penal consequence to which he is liable for the nuisance thereby occasioned.