Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847

117 Commissioners to keep a register of lodging house keepers, and make rules for promoting cleanliness and ventilation.U.K.

The commissioners shall cause a register to be kept in which shall be entered the names of all such persons as apply to have the houses occupied by them registered as lodging houses, and the situations of such houses; and the commissioners shall from time to time fix the number of lodgers who may be received into each such lodging house, and make rules for promoting cleanliness and ventilation in such lodging house; and they shall order that a ticket containing the number of lodgers allowed to be received into the house, and a table of rules for promoting cleanliness and ventilation, shall be hung up or placed in a conspicuous part of each room into which lodgers are received; and the keepers of all such lodging houses shall at all times observe the said rules, and give access to such lodging houses, when required by any persons appointed by the commissioners, for the purpose of inspection thereof, or for the purpose of performing therein any disinfecting process which the commissioners may order.