Discharge of cargoes and removal of goods

68 Goods may be removed from the quays, &c. after lying there longer than allowed by byelaws.

No goods shall be allowed to remain upon any of the piers or quays, or in the approaches thereto, for a longer time than shall be allowed by the byelaws of the undertakers; and if any goods shall so remain without the consent of the undertakers, the harbour master, or any person appointed by the undertakers for that purpose, may remove the same to any of the premises of the undertakers, or other convenient place, and keep the same until payment to the undertakers of the expences of such removal, and of the keeping of the goods; and if such expences be not paid within seven days after demand thereof made upon the owner, or if no such owner can be found, the harbour master may sell such goods, and out of the proceeds of such sale pay such expences, rendering the overplus, if any, to the owner on demand.