
LXVIIMoiety of Gale Rent to be paid to Owners of inclosed Lands.

And be it enacted, That as regards Coal, Iron, or other Mine or Minerals to be raised or gotten by means of any Gale, Pit, Level, or Work within inclosed Lands of the said Hundred not within the said Forest, the Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller for the Time being shall pay over one Moiety of the net Galeage Rent, Royalty, or Tonnage Duty, after deducting all Expences of Collection and Recovery of the said Rent or Duty, to the Owner of the inclosed Lands within and from under which the Coal or Iron Mine or other Mineral shall be found and taken ; and in case such Coal or Iron Mine or other Mineral shall be found and taken from within the inclosed Lands of more than One Owner, the Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller for the Time being shall and he is hereby authorized to apportion the said Moiety of the said Galeage Rent, Royalty, or Tonnage Duty between and among the said Owners : Provided nevertheless, that if any Dispute shall arise with regard to such Payments to be made to such Owner as aforesaid, or to any Apportionment thereof, such Dispute shall be referred to an Arbitrator to be appointed by the Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller for the Time being and the Person or Persons so disputing as aforesaid ; and thereupon it shall be referred to such Arbitrator, who shall determine the Matter in dispute, and whose Decision in Writing under his Hand shall be binding upon all Parties.