PART VRating of Transport and Electricity Authorities.

Payments by British Transport Commission for benefit of local authorities.

94Adjustments of British Transport Commission's payments for changes in the average rates.

(1)The adjustment which, under the last preceding section, is to be made for changes in the average rates levied in England and Wales, or, as the case may be, in Scotland, shall be the adjustment which results from the application of the subsequent provisions of this section.

(2)The aggregate gross charge to rates for England and Wales or, as the case may be, for Scotland, for the year preceding the year for which the payment by the British Transport Commission in question has to be made, as ascertained and certified by the Minister or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State, shall be multiplied by two hundred and forty and divided by the rateable value for England and Wales or, as the case may be, for Scotland, for the said preceding year, as so ascertained and certified.

(3)The results of the calculation directed to be made by subsection (2) of this section shall then be reduced or increased to the nearest whole number, by ignoring any fraction which is less than one-half and treating any other fraction as equivalent to one.

(4)The adjustment referred to in subsection (1) of this section -is the application to the standard amount of the fraction of which the numerator is the result of the calculation directed to be made by subsection (2) of this section, reduced or increased to the nearest whole number, and the denominator is—

(a)in the case of a payment for the benefit of local authorities in England and Wales, the number two hundred and fourteen (being the estimated result, to the nearest whole number, of multiplying the aggregate gross charge to rates for England and Wales for the year 1947-48 by two hundred and forty and dividing the result by the rateable value for England and Wales for that year) ;

(b)in the case of a payment for the benefit of local authorities in Scotland, by the number certified by the Secretary of State to be the estimated result, to the nearest whole number, of a similar calculation as respects Scotland.