SECOND SCHEDULEProvisions for defining Property and Rights with which, and Matters subject to which, Coal is to be acquired


Vesting of rights to withdraw support

6(1)In a case in which the fee simple in the coal or mine and the fee simple in land supported thereby was vested on the valuation date in the same person and no coal-mining lease of that coal or mine was then subsisting, there shall vest in the Commission with the coal or mine such a right as is hereinafter mentioned, to the extent to which the existing owners of the coal or mine were competent on the valuation date to grant such a right by virtue of their interests in that land, that is to say, a right to withdraw support from that land so far as may be reasonably requisite for the working of any coal, subject to an obligation either—

(a)to pay proper compensation for damage arising from such working to that land; or

(b)with the consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) of the person who would otherwise be entitled to claim compensation for that damage, to make good that damage to the reasonable satisfaction of that person and without expense to him;

which obligation shall extend to buildings and works on that land whether constructed before or after the vesting date.

(2)The Commission shall on the occasion of their first exercising, or granting to a lessee the benefit of, a right vested in them by this paragraph give public notice that they propose so to do by advertisement in the London Gazette and in one or more newspapers circulating in the locality.

(3)When the construction of any buildings or works is to be begun after the first publication of such a notice as aforesaid on land liable to be damaged by the exercise of the right to which the notice relates, the following provisions of this paragraph shall have effect:—

(a)before the construction thereof is begun, the person at whose expense they are to be constructed (in this sub-paragraph referred to as " the building owner ") shall notify the Commission of the proposal to construct them, and shall, if so requested by the Commission within fourteen days from the receipt by them of the notice, produce for the inspection of a person duly authorised by them in that behalf plans and specifications of the buildings or works showing the design thereof and the proposed materials for and method of construction of the foundations thereof, and shall, if so requested within that period or within seven days after the plans and specifications have been produced as aforesaid, furnish the Commission with copies of any such plans or specifications;

(b)at any time within twenty-eight days from the time when any request made by the Commission with respect to the production or furnishing of copies of the plans and specifications has been complied with, or within such further period as the building owner may allow, the Commission may make such proposals as to the materials for and method of construction of the foundations as appear to them to be desirable for minimising damage in the event of subsidence, and, if they do so and the foundations are constructed otherwise than in accordance with the Commission's proposals, the obligation to pay compensation or to make good referred to in sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph shall not extend to any damage that would have been avoided if they had been so constructed;

(c)the Commission shall have the right to have the foundations inspected by a person duly authorised by them in that behalf from time to time during the construction thereof as that person may reasonably require, and if it is alleged by the Commission that the foundations are being constructed otherwise than in accordance with any plans or specifications produced or furnished to them, or otherwise than in accordance with any such plans or specifications as modified in accordance with proposals made by the Commission, as the case may be, the Commission shall notify the building owner of the matter alleged to constitute a departure therefrom, and any question arising in relation thereto shall be determined by arbitration;

(d)the Commission shall pay ah costs reasonably incurred by the building owner in the production or furnishing of copies of plans and specifications pursuant to a request made by the Commission under this sub-paragraph, and the amount of any addition to the expense incurred by him in constructing the buildings or works which is attributable to giving effect to the Commission's proposals or to any postponement or interruption of the construction thereof consequent upon an allegation on the part of the Commission of a departure from plans and specifications which is determined not to have been well founded, and any question as to the subsistence of a liability of the Commission by virtue of this provision, or as to the amount payable by them in respect of any such liability, shall be determined by arbitration;

(e)if the building owner fails to give notice to the Commission in accordance with this sub-paragraph of the proposal to construct the buildings or works or fails to comply with a request made by the Commission thereunder, the obligation to pay compensation or to make good referred to in sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph shall be limited to damage which could not have been avoided by reasonable and proper precautions taken in the design and construction of the foundations to minimise damage in the event of subsidence.

(4)On an application under section eight of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act, 1923 (which provides for the imposition by the Railway and Canal Commission of restrictions on the working of minerals where a person having an interest in land is not entitled to support or to sufficient support for buildings or works), the applicant shall not be required to pay or give any compensation or consideration in respect of the imposition of restrictions appearing to the Railway and Canal Commission to be justified by circumstances due to the subsistence of a right to withdraw support vested in the Commission by this paragraph :

Provided that this sub-paragraph shall not have effect in the case of an application sent to the Board of Trade after the expiration of six months from the date of the first publication in relation to the right in question of the notice required by sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph.

(5)Notwithstanding anything in section thirteen of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act, 1923, restrictions, the imposition of which appears to the Railway and Canal Commission to be justified as aforesaid, may be imposed under section eight of that Act on the application of, and so as to vest the right to enforce the restrictions in, any such company, authority or body as is mentioned in the said section thirteen, and such restrictions may be so imposed on the application of, and so as to vest the right to enforce the restrictions in, any company or other body or person carrying on an undertaking primarily for the supply of gas, electricity, water or hydraulic power for public purposes or to members of the public.