Public Health Act 1936

Laboratories, ambulances, mortuaries, &c.

196Provision of laboratories.

(1)A county council or a local authority may provide a laboratory for purposes connected with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and for the making of such bacteriological, chemical and other examinations as may assist them in the performance of their functions under this Act.

(2)A county council or a local authority who provide a laboratory under this section may allow any person to make use thereof on such terms as they think fit.

197Provision of ambulances.

(1)A county council or a local authority may provide ambulances and may make charges for the use thereof.

(2)Where an ambulance is used for the conveyance of a person suffering from an infectious disease, the county council or local authority, as the case may be, shall not allow the ambulance to be again used until proper steps have been taken to prevent the communication of the disease to any other person.

198Provision of mortuaries and post-mortem rooms.

(1)A local authority or a parish council may, and if required by the Minister shall, provide—

(a)a mortuary for the reception of dead bodies before interment;

(b)a post-mortem room for the reception of dead bodies during the time required to conduct any post-mortem examination ordered by a coroner or other duly authorised authority;

and may make byelaws with respect to the management, and charges for the use, of any such place provided by them.

(2)A local authority or parish council may provide for the interment of any dead body which may be received into their mortuary.