7Restriction of change of name by aliens


An alien shall not for any purpose assume or use or purport to assume or use or continue after the commencement of this Act the assumption or use of any name other than that by which he was ordinarily known on the fourth day of August nineteen hundred and fourteen.


Where any alien carries on or purports or continues to carry on, or is a member of a partnership or firm which carries on, or which purports or continues to carry on any trade or business in any name other than that under which the trade or business was carried on on the fourth of August nineteen hundred and fourteen, he shall, for the purpose of this section, be deemed to he using or purporting or continuing to use a name other than that by which he was ordinarily known on the said date.


A Secretary of State may, if it appears desirable on special grounds in any particular case,-grant an exemption from the provisions of this section, but shall not do so unless he is satisfied that the name proposed to be assumed, used, or continued is in the circumstances of the case a suitable name.


Nothing in this section shall—


affect the assumption or use or continued assumption or use of any name in pursuance of a royal licence ; or


affect the continuance of the use by any person of a name which he has assumed before the commencement of this Act if he has been granted an exemption under the Defence of the Realm regulations or the Aliens Restriction Order in force on the first day of January nineteen hundred and nineteen ; or


prevent the assumption or use by a married woman of her husband's name.


A fee of ten guineas shall be paid by any alien on obtaining an exemption under this section ; but the Secretary of State may remit the whole or any part of such fee in special cases.


A list of the persons to whom the Secretary of State has granted an exemption under this section shall be published in the Gazette as soon as may be after the granting of the exemption.


Any person to whom any such exemption is granted shall, unless the Secretary of State shall expressly dispense with such publication, within one calendar month thereafter publish at his own expense, in some paper circulating in the district in which he resides, an advertisement stating the fact that the exemption has been granted.