
PART XWills.

175Contingent and future testamentary gifts to carry the intermediate income.

(1)A contingent or future specific devise or bequest of property, whether real or personal, and a contingent residuary devise of freehold land, and a specific or residuary devise of freehold land to trustees upon trust for persons whose interests are contingent or executory shall, subject to the statutory provisions relating to accumulations, carry the intermediate income of that property from the death of the testator, except so far as such income, or any part thereof, may be otherwise expressly disposed of.

(2)This section applies only to wills coming into operation after the commencement of this Act.

176Power for tenant in tail in possession to dispose of property by specific devise or bequest.

(1)A tenant in tail of full age shall have power to dispose by will, by means of a devise or bequest referring specifically either to the property or to the instrument under which it was acquired or to entailed property generally—

(a)of all property of which he is tenant in tail in possession at his death; and

(b)of money (including the proceeds of property directed to be sold) subject to be invested in the purchase of property, of which if it had been so invested he would have been tenant in tail in possession at his death;

in like manner as if, after barring the entail, he had been tenant in fee-simple or absolute owner thereof for an equitable interest at his death, but, subject to and in default of any such disposition by will, such property shall devolve in the same manner as if this section had not been passed.

(2)This section applies to entailed interests authorised to be created by this Act as well as to estates tail created before the commencement of this Act, but does not extend to a tenant in tail who is by statute restrained from barring or defeating his estate tail, whether the land or property in respect whereof he is so restrained was purchased with money provided by Parliament in consideration of public services or not, or to a tenant in tail after possibility of issue extinct, and does not render any interest which is not disposed of by the will of the tenant in tail liable for his debts or other liabilities.

(3)In this section " tenant in tail " includes an owner of a base fee in possession who has power to enlarge the base fee into a fee-simple without the concurrence of any other person.

(4)This section only applies to wills executed after the commencement of this Act, or confirmed or republished by codicil executed after such commencement.

177Wills in contemplation of marriage.

(1)A will expressed to be made in contemplation of a marriage shall, notwithstanding anything in section eighteen of the [7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 26.] Wills Act, 1837, or any other statutory provision or rule of law to the contrary, not be revoked by the solemnisation of the marriage contemplated.

(2)This section only applies to wills made after the commencement of this Act.

178Power for persons having no issue to dispose of real estate by will.

Section three of the Wills Act, 1837, shall (without prejudice to the rights and interests of a personal representative) authorise and be deemed always to have authorised any person to dispose of real property or chattels real by will notwithstanding that by reason of illegitimacy or otherwise he did not leave an heir or next of kin surviving him.

179Prescribed forms for reference in wills.

The Lord Chancellor may from time to time prescribe and publish forms to which a testator may refer in his will, and give directions as to the manner in which they may be referred to, but, unless so referred to, such forms shall not be deemed to be incorporated in a will.