


PART IIImprovements, the Costs of which the Trustees of the Settlement or the Court may require to be replaced by Instalments.


Residential houses for land or mineral agents, managers, clerks, bailiffs, woodmen, gamekeepers and other persons employed on the settled land, or in connexion with the management or development thereof :


Any offices, workshops and other buildings of a permanent nature required in connexion with the management or development of the settled land or any part thereof :


The erection and building of dwelling houses, shops, buildings for religious, educational, literary, scientific, or public purposes, market places, market houses, places of amusement and entertainment, gasworks, electric light or power works, or any other works necessary or proper in connexion with the development of the settled land, or any part thereof as a building estate :


Restoration or reconstruction of buildings damaged or destroyed by dry rot:


Structural additions to or alterations in buildings reasonably required, whether the buildings are intended to be let or not, or are already let:


Boring for water and other preliminary works in connexion therewith.