Church Building Act 1822

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Ordnance and other Public Departments, and all Corporations, may give Messuages, Lands, &c. for Sites for Churches, &c.

  3. II.Forms of Grant or Conveyance.

  4. III.Commissioners may obtain or receive Lands or Grounds required for enlarging or rebuilding any Church or Chapel whether contiguous to old Site or not.

  5. IV.Fines for Renewals at the Time of Lands, &c taken shall be paid to the Person entitled to renew.

  6. V.Commissioners may lend Money for Purpose of Acts, at such Interest, not exceeding the legal Interest, or without Interest, as they shall deem fit. Loans to be charged on the Church Rates. Form of Charge upon Rates.

  7. VI.Money may be raised by Annuities.

  8. VII.Commissioners, &c. to make Grants or Loans for procuring Land, &c. and apply the Powers of any local or other Acts for the Purposes thereof.

  9. VIII.Commissioners empowered to take Land for Parishes on paying the Value assessed.

  10. IX.Apportioning of Quit or other reserved Rents.

  11. X.In cases of Division of Parish, Vestrymen being resident in the District left to the original Parish Church, shall continue to act as Vestrymen of such District for Ecclesiastical Purposes. Vestrymen to Act only in the Division of their Residence. How Deficiency of Vestrymen is to be supplied.

  12. XI.Commissioners may, in case of Division of Parishes, apportion Charitable Gifts and Debts.

  13. XII.Commissioners may direct that Fees for Marriages, and Burials, in case of Division into District Parishes, shall continue to belong to the Incumbent of original Church of the Parish.

  14. XIII.In Cases in which the Rectorial Tithes, &c. shall be surrendered by Impropriators, &c. for the Purpose of converting Vicarages into Rectories, the Commissioners shall direct the same to be done accordingly.

  15. XIV.Sinecure Rector may release Part of Rectorial Glebe, &c. and retain the Remainder in Fee Simple, for the Purpose of converting any Vicarage into a Rectory by the Commissioners.

  16. XV.Bodies Politic, &c. empowered to give up Rights of Patronage and Endowments, and Emoluments held by them in Trust, to enable the Commissioners to establish District Churches.

  17. XVI.Commissioners may, with Consent of Ordinary, &c. convert District Chapelries into District Parishes, where suitable Residences, &c. can be obtained for Incumbent, and Fees compensated for.

  18. XVII.Where Marriages are allowed to be celebrated in District Chapelries, the Banns of Marriage shall be published in the Chapels of the Districts.

  19. XVIII.All Acts relating to publishing Banns of Marriage, and to Marriages, &c. to apply to Churches and Chapels of extra-pa-rochial Places and Districts.

  20. XIX.Bishop to certify Churches and Chapels in which Banns and Marriage may be published and celebrated, and Certificate to be registered; but Banns and Marriages not tip be invalid for want of such Certificate, if had in Churches authorized by the Acts.

  21. XX.All Chapels belonging to Parishes with or without Districts assigned, to be repaired by the Parishioners at large, in the same Manner as the Church of the Parish.

  22. XXI.Commissioners may exonerate any new Subdivision of .Division of any Parish already divided, or which may hereafter be divided, from Repair of Church of such Division.

  23. XXII.Commissioners may apportion Glebe, Tithes, &c. or make permanent Charge thereon for Benefit of Persons serving any Chapel in the Parish.

  24. XXIII.Commissioners may, with Consent of Owners, transfer Pew Rights from existing Churches to new Churches, &c. of Divisions, for the Purpose of making Free Seats. No greater Right to be given on the Transfer of Pews.

  25. XXIV.Regulation as to letting of Pews.

  26. XXV.For Avoidance of Pew Leases.

  27. XXVI.Parishes may, with Consent of Commissioners, procure and buy additional Burial Grounds.

  28. XXVII.To remove Doubts as to Allowance of Duties upon Materials for rebuilding or enlarging of Churches, &c.

  29. XXVIII.Grants, Instruments, Contracts, or Bonds, not to be subject to Stamp Duty.

  30. XXIX.Titles to Sites not to be questioned after Fire Years.

  31. XXX.Commissioners may transfer the Endowments, &c. of existing Churches, &c. to those Churches built in lieu thereof, upon certain Conditions.

  32. XXXI.Appointment of Ecclesiastical Persons to serve new Churches or Chapels, built by Aid from Commissioners, in certain Cases to belong to the Diocesan.

  33. XXXII.Commissioners may, under any Special Circumstances to be recorded in their Proceedings, apply their Powers in Aid of Parishes for procuring Land, &c.

  34. XXXIII.For removing Doubts as to the Powers of the Commissioners in relation to certain Grants.

  35. XXXIV.Commissioners may re-convey Land given for purposes of the Acts, and not used, to the Grantors, or their Heirs or Successors.

  36. XXXV.This Act not to affect the Powers of Acts relating to any particular Parish.

  37. XXXVI.Powers of Bishops, &c. not to be invalidated ;

  38. XXXVII.But may exercise Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.

  39. XXXVIII.Act may be altered or repealed this Session.