XXXIPenalty for enrolling Surrenders out of Court, or Bargains and Sales, of Copyholds, &c, unless duly stamped.

And be it further enacted, That from and after the said Tenth Day of October, where any Copyhold or Customary Lands or Hereditaments shall be intended to be conveyed to any Person or Persons (either upon the Sale or Mortgage thereof or otherwise), by means of a Surrender made out of Court, or by a Deed of Bargain and Sale, or other Deed, by Commissioners named in a Commission of Bankrupt, or by Executors or others, by virtue of a Power given by Will or by Act of Parliament, the Lord or Lady or Steward of the Manor or Honour whereof such Lands or Hereditaments shall be Parcel or be holden shall not enrol any such Surrender or Deed, or accept any Presentment thereof, or admit any Person to be Tenant of such Lands or Hereditaments under or by virtue of the same respectively, unless such Deed or Surrender, or the Memorandum of such Surrender, shall be duly stamped with the Duty hereby charged thereon respectively, on pain of forfeiting for every such Offence the Sum of Fifty Pounds.