XXVPenalties on Attornies, Solicitors, and others, for not inserting the full and true Consideration in any Conveyance, &c.

And be it further enacted, That if any Attorney, Solicitor, Writer to the Signet, or other Person who shall be employed in or about the preparing of any such Deed, Bond, or other Instrument, in or upon which the full Purchase or Consideration Money is hereby required to be truly expressed and set forth as aforesaid, or who shall be employed for any of the Parties thereto, in anywise about or relating to the Transaction therein mentioned, shall knowingly and wilfully insert or set forth, or cause to be inserted or set forth, in or upon any such Deed, Bond, or other Instrument, any other than the full and true Purchase or Consideration Money directly or indirectly paid, or secured or agreed to be paid for the same, or shall in anywise aid or assist in the doing thereof respectively, every such Attorney, Solicitor, Writer to the Signet, or other Person so offending shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Five hundred Pounds; and every Attorney, Solicitor, and Writer to the Signet so offending, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall also be from thenceforth disabled to practise as an Attorney, Solicitor, or Writer to the Signet; and any other Person, being entitled or entrusted to prepare any such Deed or other Instrument, in virtue of any public Office or Employment, and being guilty of such Offence in the Execution of his Office or Employment, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall also forfeit and lose his Office or Employment, and be from thenceforth incapable of holding the same.