FOURTH SCHEDULE Supplementary Provisions as to Payment for Requisitioned Vehicles



As soon as may be after the furnishing of a vehicle there shall be given or sent to the person by whom it was furnished, by such person and in such form and manner as may be specified by instructions of F2the Defence Council, a receipt for the vehicle specifying what payment, at what rate or of what amount, is offered in respect of the furnishing thereof under paragraph (a) of subection (1), or as the case may be under subsection (2), of section one hundred and sixty-eight of this Act.


As soon as may be after the end of the period for which possession of a vehicle is retained, there shall be given or sent to the person by whom the vehicle was furnished, by such person and in such form and manner as aforesaid, a notice stating whether any, and if so what, damage to the vehicle has occurred during the period for which possession of the vehicle was retained, other than damage which has been made good by a person acting on behalf of Her Majesty, or that the total loss of the vehicle has occurred, and specifying what payment is offered in respect of the damage or loss under paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection (1) of section one hundred and sixty-eight of this Act.