Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937

109Provisions as to documents, and c

(1)An order or other act of the Secretary of State under this Act may be signified under the hand of the Secretary of State or an Under-Secretary of State or an Assistant Under-Secretary, and an order or other act of the Scottish Education Department may be signified under the hand of the Secretary or of an Assistant Secretary of the Department.

(2)A document purporting to be a copy—

(a)of an order made by a court under or by virtue of any of the provisions contained in sections sixty, sixty-one and sixty-six to ninety-four of this Act or in the Second Schedule to this Act; or

(b)of an order made after the commencement of this Act under section four of the Day Industrial Schools (Scotland) Act, 1893, sending a person to an approved school or committing him to the care of a fit person; or

(c)of a decree for aliment referred to in an order under section ninety-two of this Act,

shall, if it purports to be certified as a true copy by the clerk of the court, be evidence of the order or decree.

(3)The production of a copy of the Edinburgh Gazette containing a notice of the grant, or of the withdrawal or surrender, of a certificate of approval of an approved school shall be sufficient evidence of the fact of a certificate having been duly granted to the school named in the notice, or of the withdrawal or surrender of such a certificate, and the grant of a certificate of approval of an approved school may also be proved by the production of the certificate itself, or of a document purporting to be a copy of the certificate and to be authenticated as such by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Scottish Education Department.

(4)Any notice or other document required or authorised by this Act to be served on the managers of an approved school may, if those managers are an education authority or a joint committee representing two or more education authorities, be served either personally or by post upon their clerk, and in any other case, may be served either personally or by post upon any one of the managers, or their secretary, or the headmaster of the school.

(5)An order, licence, or other document may be authenticated on behalf of the managers of an approved school, if they are an education authority or a joint committee representing two or more education authorities, by the signature of their clerk or some other officer of the education authority duly authorised in that behalf, and in any other case, by the signature of one of the managers or their secretary, or of the headmaster.