

PART 10Custodial sentences

CHAPTER 5Suspended sentences

Provision for review of suspended sentence order with community requirements
295Suspended sentence order: alteration of periodic review arrangements

(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply where the court—

(a)considers the progress report relating to a review (the “current review”), and

(b)forms the opinion that the offender’s progress in complying with the community requirements of the order is satisfactory.

(2)If the court forms that opinion before a review hearing is held at the current review—

(a)it may order that no review hearing is to be held at the current review, and

(b)it may amend the suspended sentence order so as to provide for each subsequent review to be held without a review hearing.

(3)If a review hearing is held at the current review, the court may at the hearing amend the suspended sentence order so as to provide for each subsequent review to be held without a review hearing.

(4)If at a review held without a review hearing the court—

(a)considers the progress report, and

(b)forms the opinion that the offender’s progress under the order is no longer satisfactory,

it may require the offender to attend a hearing of the court at a specified time and place.

(5)At a review hearing the court may amend the suspended sentence order so as to vary the intervals specified under section 293(2)(a).

(6)The functions of a court under this section that are exercisable in relation to a review without a hearing are to be exercised—

(a)in the case of the Crown Court, by a judge of the court, and

(b)in the case of a magistrates’ court, by a justice of the peace.

(7)In this section—

have the meanings given by section 293(2).