

PART 9Community sentences

CHAPTER 1Youth rehabilitation orders

Available requirements
184Youth rehabilitation order: available requirements

(1)Any youth rehabilitation requirement imposed by a youth rehabilitation order must be a requirement that is available to the court which makes the order.

(2)A youth rehabilitation requirement is available unless a provision mentioned in column 3 of the entry for that requirement in the youth rehabilitation requirements table (see section 174) provides otherwise.

185Youth rehabilitation order: availability of particular requirements
Extended activity requirement

(1)An extended activity requirement is not available for a youth rehabilitation order other than a youth rehabilitation order with intensive supervision and surveillance.

Unpaid work requirement

(2)An unpaid work requirement is not available for a youth rehabilitation order in respect of an offence unless the offender is aged 16 or 17 when convicted of the offence.

Fostering requirement

(3)A fostering requirement is not available for a youth rehabilitation order other than a youth rehabilitation order with fostering.

Electronic monitoring requirement

(4)An electronic monitoring requirement is not available for a youth rehabilitation order unless the order imposes at least one other youth rehabilitation requirement.