Modern Slavery Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Section 10: Slavery and trafficking reparation orders: supplementary provision

61.Subsection (1) prevents a slavery and trafficking reparation order and a compensation order under the 2000 Act from being made in relation to the same offence, so as to avoid having multiple separate orders made for the purpose of compensating the victim of a slavery or trafficking offence.

62.Subsection (2) states that where the court makes a slavery and trafficking reparation order against a person who has already been sentenced, the person’s sentence is to be regarded as being imposed on the day on which the reparation order is made for the purpose of any relevant appeal time limits.

63.Subsection (3) modifies sections 132 to 134 of the 2000 Act, which provide for appeal of and review of compensation orders made under section 130 of that Act, so that they will apply to slavery and trafficking reparation orders.

64.Subsection (4) to (9) enable a court that varies, quashes or discharges a confiscation order in accordance with Part 2 of the 2002 Act to vary, quash or discharge any slavery and trafficking reparation order that has been made in relation to the convictions that gave rise to the confiscation order so varied, quashed or discharged.

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