
PART 3General betting duty, pool betting duty and remote gaming duty

CHAPTER 1General betting duty

General and spread bets

126General bets

(1)A bet is a general bet for the purposes of this Part if—

(a)it is not an on-course bet,

(b)it is not a spread bet,

(c)it is not made by way of pool betting, and

(d)one or more of conditions A to C is met in relation to it.

(2)Condition A is that the person who makes the bet (whether as principal or agent) does so while present at a place in the United Kingdom where betting facilities are provided in the course of a business and the bet is made using those facilities.

(3)Condition B is that—

(a)the person who makes the bet as principal is a UK person, and

(b)the bet is not an excluded bet.

(4)Condition C is that—

(a)the person who makes the bet as principal is a body corporate not legally constituted in the United Kingdom,

(b)the bookmaker with whom the bet is made knows or has reasonable cause to believe that at least one potential beneficiary of any winnings from the bet is a UK person, and

(c)the bet is not an excluded bet.