Explanatory Notes

Finance Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 26

17 July 2014


Section 103: Value Added Tax: Special Schemes

Details of the Schedule

Part 1

3.Paragraph 1 inserts the new Schedule 3BA into the VAT Act 1994, which contains the provisions establishing the special accounting scheme for persons established in the Member States (MS) supplying BTE services to non-business customers belonging in other MSs, to be known as the Union scheme.

4.New Schedule 3BA Part 1 gives an overview and explains the meaning of scheme services.

5.New Schedule 3BA Part 2 provides for who may register in the UK to use the Union scheme, how they may apply to register, the obligations to notify any changes to the registration, and when a registration may be cancelled.

6.New Schedule 3BA Part 3 sets out the responsibility of a person registered to use the Union Scheme in the UK to submit returns to the Commissioners for the VAT due in the consumers’ MS and to pay the VAT due. It specifies when the return and payment are to be made and the way they are to be submitted. It also places an obligation upon the registered business to produce the relevant business records to the Commissioners in electronic format upon request.

7.New Schedule 3BA Part 4 places obligations upon persons registered for another MS’s equivalent to the Union Scheme in respect of their UK supplies. It sets out that a person registered for such a scheme is not liable to register in the UK on the basis of the BTE supplies made to UK consumers. It permits the Commissioners to deregister a person who has registered in the UK for such supplies but wishes to use the non-UK scheme provided by another MS. It also imposes a record keeping requirement and sets out the rules for amendments, error corrections, late returns and charges to interest applying to declarations of UK VAT made in a non-UK scheme return.

8.New Schedule 3BA Part 5 sets out the rights of appeal of those persons registered to use the Union Scheme and those declaring UK VAT through a non-UK scheme return.

9.New Schedule 3BA Part 6 details the interpretive provisions.

Part 2

10.Paragraphs 3 to 7 amend the special scheme for supplies of electronic services detailed in the VAT Act 1994 Schedule 3B Part 2 to include supplies of telecommunications and broadcasting services from 1 January 2015. This special scheme will become known as the non-Union scheme and provides an accounting scheme for suppliers of BTE services not established within the EU.

11.Paragraph 8 inserts the new Part 3 of Schedule 3B which contains the provisions for scheme returns that are late or incomplete or need amendment.

12.Paragraphs 9 & 10 include interpretive and consequential amendments to       Schedule 3B.

Part 3

13.Paragraphs 11 to 18 introduce amendments to the VAT Act 1994 in section 3A, section 76, section 77, section 80, section 84(6) and Paragraph 12 of Schedule 1A to include the special schemes.

14.Paragraph 19 amends the Table in paragraph 1 of Schedule 24 to the Finance Act 2007 and inserts new sub-paragraphs 4A-C to include the special scheme returns into the penalty regime for errors.

15.Paragraph 20 includes special scheme liabilities within the provision for suspension of penalties during an agreement for deferred payment, and in Schedule 53 to the Finance Act 2009 in relation to interest on amounts payable to HMRC.

16.Paragraphs 21 and 22 include the special scheme returns and payments into Schedules 10 and 11 to Finance (No 3) Act 2010 which prospectively amends Schedules 55 and 56 to Finance Act 2009 to provide for penalties for failure to make returns and payments.

Part 4

17.Paragraphs 23 to 25 make provision for commencement of the special schemes and for when persons may begin to register.