Explanatory Notes

Water Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 21

14 May 2014


Part 1.Water Industry

Chapter 2.Water and Sewerage Undertakers
Duty of CMA to refer mergers of relevant undertakers
Section 14: Exceptions to duty and undertakings in lieu of merger references

112.This section inserts new provisions in the WIA to reform the special merger regime in sections 32 to 35 of the WIA. This regime currently requires the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to make a referral to the CMA Mergers Panel where there is a merger between undertakers where one or other of the parties to the merger has an annual turnover of £10 million or more. Under paragraph 3 of Schedule 4ZA to the WIA, on a merger reference under section 32, the CMA has to determine whether the loss of one or more undertakers (comparators) is going to have an impact on Ofwat’s ability to regulate using comparative regulation.

113.New section 33A of the WIA states that the CMA may decide not to make a merger reference if:

114.The CMA must ask Ofwat for, and Ofwat must give, an opinion on the impact of the merger on Ofwat’s ability to regulate and how that weighs up against potential customer benefits. In making this assessment, Ofwat must apply the methods set out in the statement of methods required under new section 33C. The Government’s intention is that the statement should give acquiring undertakers and the CMA some certainty about whether a proposed merger (taking into account any undertakings proposed under new section 33D – see below) would prejudice Ofwat’s ability to regulate and the likely impact of that prejudice. The CMA must consider Ofwat’s opinion before coming to a decision.

115.New section 33D enables the CMA, having consulted Ofwat, to accept undertakings from parties to the merger for the purposes of remedying or mitigating the prejudicial impact of losing a comparator instead of making a merger reference. In carrying out these functions, the CMA must have regard to the need to achieve a comprehensive solution as possible to compensate for the prejudice resulting from the potential loss of a comparator. Undertakings may for example include continuing with separate price limits, divestment of some or part of the business of the undertaker etc. The CMA may subsequently allow an undertaking to be varied, replaced or released if necessary at a later date should circumstances change etc, and must consider any representations made in relation to a change to an undertaking as soon as reasonably practicable. The CMA must not make a merger reference if it is considering whether to accept undertakings from the acquiring undertaker.

Section 15: Exclusion of small mergers: advice of CMA on threshold

116.This section introduces a duty on the CMA to keep under review, and advise the Secretary of State on, the turnover threshold at which, and conditions on which, any anticipated or actual mergers between undertakers become subject to the special merger regime.

117.The current threshold is set at £10 million and this is applied where the turnover of one or both undertakers is £10 million or more. The Government’s intention is that the advice of the CMA will assist the Secretary of State in deciding whether to change the threshold and conditions using existing powers under section 33(7) of the WIA.