Explanatory Notes

Water Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 21

14 May 2014


Part 1.Water Industry

Chapter 2.Water and Sewerage Undertakers
Appointments and variations
Section 13: Procedure with respect to appointments and variations

110.This section amends section 8 of the WIA by extending the list of persons that should receive notices as part of the application process where applying either to be a new undertaker or for a boundary between existing undertakers to be varied. Currently the list only consists of the local undertaker, the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and local authorities in the area proposed to be affected.

111.The section removes the name of the NRA from the list of consultees and adds the Environment Agency and the Natural Resources Body for Wales (the NRA’s successor bodies). It also adds the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water for applications affecting the area of an undertaker whose area is wholly or mainly in England and the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water for Wales for applications affecting the area of an undertaker whose area is wholly or mainly in Wales.