Explanatory Notes

Pensions Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 19

14 May 2014

Commentary on Sections

Part 1 – State Pension

Section 4: Entitlement to state pension at transitional rateSection 5: Transitional rate of state pensionSection 6: Recalculation and backdating of transitional rate in special casesSchedule 1: Transitional rate of state pension: calculating the amountSchedule 2: Transitional rate of state pension: up-rating

53.These sections and accompanying schedules make transitional provision for new state pension entitlement for those who reach pensionable age on or after the date the new state pension is introduced and who have qualifying years attributable to tax years prior to introduction.

54.The provision is transitional because at some point in the future people will only have qualifying years attributable to the period after the new state pension is introduced and their entitlement will be calculated under the rules set out in sections 1 to 3. The persons unaffected by the transitional provision will be those who:

55.The calculation of the rate of state pension for people who have qualifying years attributable to tax years prior to introduction (called “transitional rate” here) is set out in section 5 and Schedule 1. The calculation takes into account the National Insurance history of the person before the new state pension is introduced when determining any future pension entitlement.

56.Under existing legislation a person may become entitled to different components of the old retirement pension depending on when and at what level contributions have been made. Provided that sufficient contributions are made at the lower earnings limit for National Insurance in a tax year, that year will be a qualifying year for basic pension purposes. Earnings-related contributions made between 1961 and 1975 provide entitlement to graduated retirement benefit. Since 1978 contributions that are made on earnings above the annual lower earnings limit in a tax year are relevant for entitlement to the additional pension.

57.The first step in the calculation of the transitional rate involves working out a person’s entitlement under the old retirement pension rules. This is done as if he or she had reached pensionable age on the day the new state pension is introduced and as if the new state pension had not been introduced. This provides a snapshot in time of any basic pension, additional pension and graduated retirement benefit to which he or she would have been entitled.

58.The second step involves working out entitlement under the new state pension rules had they applied before the start date. This valuation is based on ‘pre-commencement’ qualifying years, i.e. any years that would have been qualifying years before the start date of the new state pension. This includes pre-1978 reckonable years, as defined in the relevant transitional regulations (section 4(4)(b)). Where a person has 35 or more pre-commencement qualifying years at the start date of the new state pension the valuation would be based on the maximum state pension amount payable at that date. Otherwise it would be based on a reduced rate matching the number of pre-commencement qualifying years accrued at that date.

59.In both of the calculations set out in paragraphs 56 and 57 an amount to reflect contracting out under the old retirement pension rules is deducted. This covers contracting out on a salary-related and money-purchase basis, including appropriate personal pension schemes and mixed benefit contracting-out schemes (that is, schemes which are contracted out on both a salary-related and money-purchase basis). However, where a premium to re-instate a person’s state pension is paid after the introduction of the new state pension, the premium is, for the purpose of calculating the transitional rate of pension, treated as having been paid before the introduction of the new state pension. The payment of a premium is mandatory where a person has less than two years pensionable service and under the rules of the scheme is not entitled to a contracted-out pension (section 6).

60.The third step requires a comparison of the two calculations with the more beneficial used as the starting basis of a person’s transitional rate (their foundation amount). This foundation amount may exceed the full rate of the new state pension. This will be the case where the person, but for the introduction of the new state pension, would have been entitled to a significant amount of additional pension.

61.If at the start date the person has a foundation amount lower than the full rate of the new state pension, he or she can continue to add qualifying years to his or her entitlement – even if he or she already had 35 or more qualifying years before the start date – up to a maximum number that would provide entitlement to the full rate of the new state pension.

62.A minimum number of qualifying years will also apply to the transitional rate. This number will be specified in regulations, and will not be more than ten years.

63.Schedule 1 also provides for the revaluation of the foundation amount prior to pensionable age. The value of the foundation amount up to the full rate of the new state pension is to be revalued by earnings or higher (as with the new state pension rate – see paragraph 49). Any excess over that rate will be revalued in line with the annual increase in the general level of prices.

64.Schedule 2 provides for the up-rating of the transitional rate (annual increases to the pension in payment). The value of the transitional rate up to the full rate of the new state pension is to be up-rated by earnings or higher. Any excess will be up-rated in line with the annual increase in the general level of prices.