Explanatory Notes

Intellectual Property Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 18

14 May 2014


Part 2: Patents

Section 17: Unified Patent Court

66.On 19 February 2013 the UK Government signed an intergovernmental Agreement to provide for a Unified Patent Court within participating European countries. There are two related European Regulations (Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012 for the creation of unitary patent protection and Regulation 1260/2012 applicable to translation arrangements). The Agreement and Regulations mean that it will be possible to apply to the European Patent Office once for a single patent which will have effect across all participating countries and, for some issues, be litigated in a new Unified Patent Court. This will be an optional route for business to protect their inventions but could save businesses money by reducing the need to file documents and fees, and to litigate in multiple jurisdictions.

67.This section inserts a new section 88A into the 1977 Act which enables the Agreement establishing a Unified Patent Court to be brought into effect in the UK by order of the Secretary of State, and lists the main areas which may be included in such an order, including for example provisions relating to jurisdiction of the Unified Patent Court and for the payment of fees. The IPO is a trading fund and therefore fees set by it will be based upon cost recovery. Subsections (3) and (4) of the new section 88A allow for alignment of certain provisions of the 1977 Act with equivalent provisions in the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court and for different provision to be made for different cases.

68.Subsection (6) of the new section 88A provides that any secondary legislation made under new section 88A is to be subject to approval by resolution of each House of Parliament.

69.This section also inserts a new section 88B into the 1977 Act which provides that the Unified Patent Court will be treated as an organisation to which section 1 of the International Organisations Act 1968 (the "1968 Act") applies. Section 1 of the 1968 Act enables an Order in Council to be made granting privileges and immunities to international organisations and their staff, where the UK is a member of the organisation.