Sovereign Grant Act 2011 Explanatory Notes

Civil List Act 1972

128.Paragraphs 22 to 28 amend the Civil List Act 1972.

129.Paragraph 23 omits section 1 of the Act in its entirety. The civil list is being replaced by the Sovereign Grant in section 1 of this Act.

130.Paragraph 24 omits provisions which are either superseded by provisions in this Act or are spent.

131.Paragraph 25 omits the second sentence of section 4(1) of that Act which relates to civil list pensions. It removes a power to increase the additional annual cost of such pensions from the limit set out in section 5 of the Civil List Act 1837.

132.Paragraph 26 omits section 5 of that Act. This Act replaces the civil list with a Sovereign Grant so the Royal Trustees will no longer need to report on the civil list arrangements.

133.Paragraph 27 omits section 7 of that Act which is spent because no payments will be made under the Act.

134.Paragraph 28 omits interpretational and transitional provisions that are no longer needed.

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